torsdag 19. mai 2011

Injection at school

Today I was having the most hillarious time at school ever! We were going to learn how to inject using a syringe! And we were going to do it on a sponge. We were 2 or 3 in each group. I was together with my friends Anita and Magnus. I dont think I've ever laughed as much in class as I did today! Now I'm only worried that I can't hold a straight face next time when we are going to practise on eachother! If you wonder what kind of injections we were rehearsing, I'll show it on the pictures below:

Subcutan injection

Intramuscular injection

Now you've seen what i've done today! Next week as I said before, we are going to to this on eachother! I am not scared for when they are going to do it to me, but i can't help being a little nervous for when I'm going to do it on them :-D

Now i'm going to cook myself dinner!

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