torsdag 19. mai 2011


This is just typical! I woke up this morning, having the most homesick-feeling ever! It's not that strange really, cause I haven't been home since christmas. But anyway, I hate to feel this way. I get so moody, and I don't like that. Who does.

I can tell a little about my home, since it's stuck in my head now anyway. It's on the countryside in western parts of Norway, and it's surrounded by high mountains. I love it there, and think it is very beautiful. But others who live there, thinks the opposite, so it's a question about the taste I think ;)

The picture over is a picture of my house at home. I took it last summer. Or "summer", cause it was only a few days with sun. The other days it was either raining or too cold to call it summer. But hey, thats typical for the western Norway, the weather can be quite unstable to times!

I want to share a song that i often listen to when I'm homesick. Enjoy, it's a really nice song!

And yes, it is Westlife , and I know many people think they are bad, but there are also many thinking the other way:) The lyrics are btw, very good.

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