torsdag 25. september 2014

Be yourself

I've written a song, what do you think? :-D

I’m worth much more than this
Intro –
Some days you feel you don’t belong
Some days the world feels all wrong
Your head is not coping, no one understands.
The feeling of being lost in your own mind
To look in the mirror,  not being able to shine.
But this you should know…

Take a step back.
Allow yourself to breathe
Close your eyes, put on a smile
Say to your mirror; I feel fine
Because I’m worth much more than this

Sometimes the world  laugh at you
Some days nothing’s right
Can’t breathe, can’t stand still,
Tears running down your face
Your only wish is a dose of that pill.

Take a step back.
Allow yourself to breathe
Close your eyes, put on a smile
Say to your mirror; I feel fine
Because I’m worth much more than this

But this your should know
In my eyes you’re the best
Your laugh, your smile
Perfection,  beautiful, loving and kind.
Without you, the world’s not the same
So, you, just look in the mirror and smile.

Take a step back.
Allow yourself to breathe
Close your eyes, put on a smile
Say to your mirror; I feel fine
Because I’m worth much more than this

It’s true. 

onsdag 3. september 2014

Eastenders goes Norwegian

Ever wondered how Eastenders would have looked like with Norwegian celebrities? Well here's the answer:

I'll post both the english (first) and the norwegian (second) version:-)






Top 3 Boyband songs

*Note - This contains only boyband from when I was "young". Like from 1999-2008 ish. So NO One Direction or Justin Bieber (luckily... Have nothing against them, just don't like the music).

1) Westlife - I'll see you again.

"You're gone now, gone but not forgotten
I cant say this to your face
But I know you hear". 

The video is from their "Where we are"-tour. Two of the members, Kian and Nicky, had just lost their fathers. I think that is what making this performance so moving and good. Because they mean every word they're singing. And they know they're gonna see them again. Im almost crying when I'm writing this hehe.. 

2) A1 - Like a rose

"You give me strength so I stand tall. 
Within this bed of earth, just like a rose."

This song is the most cheesy boyband-song ever, but still I find it romantic and beautiful. At least when I don't look at the video. Hehe, what were they thinking?? But hey, I still want to slowdance with a nice man to this song, so well done A1!

3) Boyzone - No matter what

"No matter if the sun don't shine
Or if the skies aren't blue
No matter what the ending
My life began with you"

I don't know which song is more clisjê, this one or "Like a rose". But if we look away from all the typical boyband-things in this video. The song is quite nice! To believe in yourself and dont let other people drag you down ^^ The quote above is my favourite from the song!


Westlife - Lighthouse 

Just because this is the last song from my favourite band, and Come on - the song is awsome! ;)

"You're the light in the dark
You're the seat in the park
You're the lighthouse
You're the lighthouse
I need You're the key to the door
You're the port in the storm
And I need to find the shore
Cos I can't swim anymore
You always guide me back to solid ground
You're my lighthouse".

Six Ribbons

I don't really know why I'm sharing this song. It's not a big hit or something, but I think it's a nice song and worth listening to^^ (man, i must write more english, I suck!)

The artist is a norwegian guy called Didrik Solli-Tangen. He was born in 1987 in Porsgrunn, Norway. He is really an opera-singer, but does all kinds of music:)
In 2010 he entered Eurovision Song Contest representing Norway.

Have a nice day!

mandag 1. september 2014

Ungdomsklubb bedehuset i Volda - First Lego League

Ny klubb på bedehuset med teknisk lego som hovudaktivitet og deltaking i konkurransen First Lego League.

I byrjinga av november vert det arrangert ein stor konkurranse i operahuset i Nordfjordeid. Då samlast born og ungdomar frå Møre og Romsdal og Sogn og Fjordane til legokonkurransen FIRST LEGO League® (FLL). Årets tema er framtidas skule- og klasserom.

Nokre få punkt om FIRST LEGO League® (FLL)
·        - Kunnskapskonkurranse for born og unge i alderen 10-16 år, arrangert sidan 2000.
·        -  Konkurransen vert organisert i Skandinavia av FIRST Scandinavia
·        -  I 2013 deltok 845 lag/ 12 675 deltakarar i dei regionale turneringane. På verdsbasis deltok 200 000 born frå 70 land.
·        -  Føremålet  med konseptet er å auke interessa for teknologi og vitskap, og stimulere dagens ungdom til å bli  morgondagens ingeniørar og forskarar. 
·         For meir informasjon , sjå nettsida 

"Tidlegare år har eg følgt klasser frå ein barneskule i Sola, Rogaland, og dessutan mellomtrinnselevar og ungdomar frå Den norske skolen i Nairobi, Kenya, til First Lego League-konkurranse i Stavanger. Det har vore gode og inspirerande erfaringar, både for elevane og meg! Difor har eg, som innflyttar i Volda, lenge tenkt at det kunne vore ein fin ting å kombinere deltaking i denne konkurransen med oppstart av eit nytt barne-/ungdomsslag på Volda bedehus. Det nyaste og mest moderne legoutstyret er alt kjøpt inn, så no ventar vi berre på gutar og jenter frå 10 – 14 år som kan tenkje seg å bli med.  Vi ser for oss mykje lego, spel og andre aktivitetar, ei andakt og kanskje bollar og saft…."
- Gunnstein Ohma